Women in Business - Melodie Weintraut
I am so excited to feature this next amazing boss lady in our Women in Equestrian Business post. Melodie Weintraut, like myself is a mom, a girlfriend to her awesome husband and a professional adult amateur. She works her booty off as a professional poultry inspector, and has grown a successful and creative business, Bays4DaysCrochet. PHEW!
I met Melodie a few years ago. Outside of the business world; her positive, realistic, down-to-earth personality was a breath of fresh air! Now my horse is decked out in his gorgeous grey, black and bling bonnet. All of her products are made to order, to match your colors, your horse, and your style. Melodie has such a fun spunky style, this post is sure to relate to you, make you giggle, and/or make you scratch your head. Either way make sure to check her gorgeous pieces of work out at Bays4DaysCrochet, she wont disappoint!
About Bays4DaysCrochet
While Melodie waited to land her first “big girl job”; she taught her self to crochet (thanks to YouTube). She took that new found love of crocheting to make her own horse bonnet design. Melodie’s logo however was created by her husband. After a rough day at Grad School, he created this Tim Burton-esque picture of Quincy (her heart horse). After mastering her own pattern, she released Quincy to strut his stuff down the barn aisle…and if you’ve seen the bonnets Melodie creates, it is no wonder that barn friends now had bonnet envy! Melodie’s style is unique and her pattern and logo are 100% her own. She makes that entire bonnet without making a single cut (besides the final cut).
While Melodie claims she isn’t the “typical” people person; she can definitely strike up a connection with pretty much anyone who talks about animals. She loves talking to people who are designing their bonnet, discovering colors they love, what colors bring out the eyes of their chestnut mare, adding personalized ears, and grasping the ideas of what you as a horse owner, lover, and rider would dream of if you are to get a bonnet. However, it wasn’t all horses, unicorns and pink bonnets. Melodie noticed that other creators were pricing themselves very low. However, while Melodie’s prices would not be that low, her prices reflect the hand made work, dedication, and passion that she crochets into every inch of the bonnets she creates.
Melodie realizes that not everyone appreciates the justification of her reasoning, but she believes that while money doesn’t grow on trees, her time, quality and customization doesn’t either. In 5 years, Melodie would love to see some her teens/young adult audience sporting her bonnets at some major shows. “It would be so cool to hop on Facebook Groups, Eventing Nation, etc and seeing a pair going out, being successful, and wearing my product”. But before then, if her amazing bonnets can just continue to pay her monthly feed bill, she will continue to do a happy dance.

About Melodie Weintraut
Melodie, her family and her business are all based on Maryland’s beautiful Eastern Shore #madeinMD. She has always loved horses, however didn’t start riding until she was about 18, her Freshman year of college. Currently she is dancing around the sandbox with her OTTB, Hokie (yes….a good old VT Grad), and Pixie, her 11 year old Oldenburg pony. Along with her 2 equine friends, she raises rabbits, has 3 dogs and 2 cats! Melodie is totally a unique chick, not only is she down to earth, but she is also honest…to a fault. If you don’t want her honest opinion about your horse, don’s ask her for her thoughts #warning.

Let’s Get a Little Personal with Melodie Weintraut
What is something not everyone knows about you? Melodie applied to vet school 15 times, over the course of 3 admission cycles, Not once was she asked to sit for an interview.
What is something you would tell your younger self? “I’d tell myself not to worry so much about things. I used to have anxiety with my old horse, about things that hadn’t happened/things that never came to pass. Looking back, I should have just ridden the horse I had”. Other than that, she would also tell her younger self to not put up with bully trainers.
What mantra you live by? Don’t focusing so much on making a living, that you forget to make a life.
What is the last show you binge watched? “I don’t watch a whole lot of TV, but I am currently listening to Crime Junkie, and Up and Vanished podcasts.”
What is the last book you read? She’s not sure. “Other than baby books for my adorable daughter. Other than that, no clue.”
What is your favorite word? Tedious
What profession other than your own would you attempt for a week? A Veterinarian
What is your favorite food? Wawa Soft Pretzels and Pepsi
How do you take your Coffee? With a LOT of International Delight Creamer #butt-ton
What is something you want people to remember about your brand? There is a real human, mom boss, behind the bonnet that makes your horse looks amazing! Melodie is the only one, crocheting the body, tucking in the ends, sewing on that bling, and cutting out the ears and vinyl, and pressing it on. A real person is messaging you back and forth about time lines so you can get your bonnet in time for your big show.
In Conclusion with Melodie Weintraut of Bays4DaysCrochet
Melodie is no stranger to working hard, facing setbacks, and changing dreams; so she has become used to the idea that maybe the universe is trying to tell her something. Instead of making her dreams a possibility, she makes your bonnet dreams a possibility. She handcrafts and designs each one from scratch and Melodie puts her heart, her love, and her best wishes into each custom bonnet for your horse. Never once has she been afraid of failure, but faced it head on and made a decision to continue on. If you haven’t met Melodie, or seen her designs you are missing out. I can tell you from experience, when putting one of her bonnets on your horse, you will be proud; just like she is with each of her products she mails you with love.
We hope you join us next time for another look inside the life of another woman behind an amazing equestrian brand. Discover her dream and the adventure she has experienced. Until then, find more posts like this one, HERE.
Follow Melodie at Bays4DaysCrochet, Find Bays4DaysCrochet Bonnets Here!