Women in Equestrian Business - Teal Shoop
After a quick, yet busy holiday season, we are excited to get back to some of these amazing women behind the equestrian brands. The first woman we will be focusing on in 2020 is Teal Shoop, the business owner of a line of leather care products. Her products are made in the Pacific Northwest near Portland Oregon, and can be found on the complete other side of the US, in our personal barn. We started using her products before I knew or insta-met Teal…so even we were excited to learn a little more about the amazing person behind a brand that we use!
So without further ado, let’s introduce you to Teal Shoop, the amazing lady boss behind the Sterling Essentials Leather Care Brand. I personally love her merchandise, because just like the Blanket Safe products, they avoid the use of harmful skin irritating chemicals. They are both gentle and non-toxic. Plus both of us created our products because of an issue with our OWN horses! While I have not met her in person, I could feel that very familiar energy from Teal that I have. I love the fact that she also believes that there can be a high end super-effective, quality product, without the use of harsh, irritating, or unsafe ingredients.
About Sterling Essentials, llc
After owning a horse who’s skin was becoming irritated and sometimes breaking out in hives around the girth area and face, Teal discovered how delicate her horse’s skin really was. She went on a search for a safe and gentle leather care product that would effectively nurture the leather as well as keep away mold and mildew, a common problem in the cold wet Pacific Northwest winter. Teal realized the market was lacking leather care products that did not contain harsh or potentially unsafe ingredients, so Teal got to work and created her own. After testing and trials, Sterling Essentials leather care products broke into the equestrian market place at Gallops Saddlery in Oregon, in 2015.
Teal Shoop is actually an engineer by trade. She thoroughly enjoyed the process of creating her products, even though it wasn’t always easy. Teal mentions she had fun researching, formulating, testing, and even producing product design. However, talking to people about her products and business came as a struggle, as Teal considers herself an introvert. After many bathroom pep talks, and the help of several supportive and encouraging individuals; Teal learned that she had to just be brave and jump in with both feet! In the near future, Teal hopes to see her products being featured around the globe. She continues to work hard to support fellow riders and the equestrian sport with new and innovative products.
So, how did Sterling Essentials get their name? They wanted to create a name that would convey the classiness and high quality that their brand would represent. So, with the help of her husband (and co-founder), and Teal’s middle name, the brand was born. The logo was created with the help of a designer, and lots of family and friends’ opinions. Fun fact, the logo that is currently used was not Teal’s first choice for logo, however she now has no regrets over the decision. If you ask Teal to pick her most favorite product in the Sterling Essentials brand, she would pick her flag ship product, the Leather Cleaner. It was the product that started them off, the product that embodies all that Sterling Essentials stands for, and a product that is unlike any other on the market.
About Teal Shoop
Teal was only a few years old when she first got bit by the horse bug! At 9 years old she received riding lessons for her birthday. She can still recall how excited she was and even the first horse she had a lesson on. O’Malley, a solid bay quarter horse gelding, with the biggest, and most gentle eyes. After that first lesson, she made sure to ride as often as she could get the chance. She took the opportunity to try her hand at western, hunt seat, and currently rides at a hunter/jumper barn. Currently, Teal is horseless, after recently selling her beautiful gelding. However, this allows her explore varied disciplines and equestrian sports, as well as focus more on her family and business.
Going in Deep with Teal Shoop
What makes YOU Unique? Something that is a little quirky, but really cheers me up is the smell of sun-warmed pine needles! It is so relaxing, and reminds me of home.
What is something not everyone knows about you? I love to bake bread from scratch! Unfortunately I don’t have time to do it that often. But, there is something so fulfilling about pulling a warm, yummy, smells-oh-so-good loaf from the oven!
What would you tell your younger self? I would tell her to listen to her gut. Also, not to worry so much about what others may think of her. I’ve had to learn that when others judge me, this is really a reflection of them and who they are; nothing to do with me. Fear of judgement impacts us all, and it’s been a challenge for me to figure out how to overcome it. There’s no doubt that there are times when this has held me back, and it shouldn’t have. I’d tell myself to be honest with myself, to act fearless even if I’m not, and to just GO FOR IT!
Do you have a mantra you love, or live by? Have a plan.
What show do you like to binge watch? If I have time, I enjoy watching the original Magnum, P.I. with Tom Selleck. Who doesn’t crave their own private beach in Hawaii?
What is your favorite word? “Hunky dunky”
What profession other than your own would you attempt for a week? I would love to try being a College Professor.
What food could you not live without? Oh so many things could be on this list…and it would be a long list, but I do love a good cheeseburger (handmade with some seriously good cheddar). YUM!
How do you take your coffee/tea? I have never jumped onto the coffee bandwagon, but I am definitely a tea person. I enjoy a nice cup either plain, with a little honey, or sometimes a tiny splash of milk.
What book did you read last? I just finished up Murder in the CIA by Margaret Truman. I love curling up with a good mystery!
What is something you would like people to remember about you, and/or your brand? Sterling Essentials premium all natural, essential oil powered leather care products are the trusted must-have for discerning equestrians everywhere. Animal friendly, formulated to match the pH of leather to prevent premature degradation; and powered by essential oils to prevent mold/mildew. Our high quality products are widely acclaimed by top riders and amateurs alike, as the first choice in keeping leather and tack happy and healthy.

We hope you have enjoyed learning about Teal and Sterling Essentials, just as much as we have. I think it is fantastic that there are other products and businesses just like ours at Blanket Safe. Businesses that continue to make, assemble and package each product at their headquarters, before sending out to their new homes. Teal loves to hear how her products have also solved the struggles of other horse owners; the same issues that lead to the creation of the Sterling Essential products. It was wonderful to get to know Teal a little more personally, and I hope you took away plenty too!
We hope you join us next time for another look inside the life of another woman behind an amazing equestrian brand. Discover her dream and the adventure she has experienced. Until then, find more posts like this one, HERE.
Please make sure to check her out and follow on Facebook, Instagram and Online!